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Good Day Miners! Today is 19/12/21! Here are the updates. | Eagle Network Announcement

Good Day Miners!

Today is 19/12/21!

Here are the updates.

Miner Auto Redeem:

The developer is still working on the miner app auto redeem, but some bugs were discovered during testing, and fixing is ongoing.

As you know, Auto Redeem in games is active and working now. As soon as the miner app auto redeem is fixed, there will be miner app Google play store and Apple store update so miners can start using auto redeem to withdraw.

Meanwhile, we continue with the correct redeem system and get credited within a week at most from now.

CEX Exchange Listing:

For the CEX exchange listing, there are several demands pending, which we are still working on.

We have already done the extra Dex audit by TechRate.

However, we are still working on the remaining other requirements and awaiting approval.

Still, we will start to buy/sell on our DEX EgonSwap first, then later list on others both CEX and DEX soon after. Audit by certik also coming soon.

Egon Contract Migration:

Due to the audits and CEX listing requirements, we now have contracts to be updated before buy/sell.
In addition, we now have a better contract for EGON, MasterChef, EgonFactory, EgonRounter. Procedures to migrate will be given later today.

EGON EAN Reward:

The EAN reward for buying Egon remains true and will come simultaneously as you get the migrated EGON.

We also implemented an extra reward as compensation.

EMT To EAN Swap:

Soon holders of EMT can start to swap EMT to EAN. Procedures will be given in upcoming announcements; as promised, holders will be able to swap EMT to EAN with a 1:1 ratio, with an additional 5% more EAN as compensation.

CryptoKara Wallet:

As you all know, there have been several wallet app updates on stores within the last few days.

This is the fix for bugs discovered and a better wallet app.

CryptoKara Wallet app is a wallet app like trust wallet built from scratch, which is the reason for the bugs.

The developer is constantly working to improve wallet stability and performance.

We know you are all used to using a completed product, and using BETA work-in-progress apps might not be smooth, but all apps pass through this phase.

So soon, a stable version comes.

Sorry for the inconveniences, and thanks for the support as we make CryptoKara a better wallet for us all.

Let's understand that CryptoKara wallet provides a solid use case for Eagle Network, which will add good value for your EAN and EGON as well in the future. Nothing long-lasting comes easy.

All due processes in getting a solid product must be followed.

EgonSwap Dex:

The Crypto Exchange from Eagle Network: EgonSwap Dex has been ready for quite a few months.

The delays for the launch have been made to make sure it passes our standards as here at Eagle Network, we are constantly raising our standards and improving user experience while giving security and transparency the highest priority.

FYI: The EgonSwap Dex is like pancakeswap with identical functionality.

New Referral Bonus
250 EagleTokens for You And New Joiner From Today!

: Many of you guys have been asking about community collaboration/ partnership.

An E-meetup of like-minded people, and as you all know, Eagle Network is all about providing accessibility to the crypto space with the help of innovative apps, websites!

SO, WE HIGHLY URGE each and every one of you to reach out to your friends from different communities and groups to join our legendary EAGLE NETWORK!

In return, you and the person you bring in will get 250 EAGLE TOKENS as a reward in the miner app.

Share this news with your friends, and let's get a head start and make the upcoming year 2022 the best one!

Note: The 250 EAGLE TOKENS for both you and your invites from other crypto projects must be new invitees from today!

Eagle Network Team