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TOMORROW - on DeFiNation #3 'CROSS-CHAIN INTERACTION & AS | EasyFi Announcements

TOMORROW - on DeFiNation #3


This week on DeFiNation, we gather to chat about The past, present & future of Interoperability in DeFi...
- Why it matters?
- Where are we currently?
- Where are we headed?
- Can we ever be fully interoperable?
- What is needed to be fully interoperable?
- and more..

Lets brainstorm a topic with #BUIDLers in #DeFi..

The 'POWER PACKED" Interoperable panel
Hamzah Khan, Head DeFi & Labs Polygon Technology
Sameep Singhania, Founding Member, QuickswapDEX
Ramani RamaChandran, Founder & CEO, Router Protocol
Ankitt Gaur, Founder & CEO, EasyFi Network

Set your reminders
Wednesday, 3rd August @ 1330H UTC
Join here: https://bit.ly/DeFiNation3-XChain

Questions for our panelists?
Join in to ask and/or post them on this tweet: https://twitter.com/EasyfiNetwork/status/1554494977983426560

See you tomorrow..
