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$ETCH 1000x Gem Web: https://elontech.finance TG: @ETCHT | Vocos (VCS) Channel

$ETCH 1000x Gem
Web: https://elontech.finance
TG: @ETCHToken

+22,300+ holders
+38,000+ TG users
+37,000+ Twitter followers

Smart contract verified (TechRate & SKD)
Liquidity & Dev Tokens locked for 1 year and 6 months respectively.
100% Presale Successful
CoinMarketCap Listed (Trending #1)
Coingecko Listed
BscScan Coin Details and Logo ... Done
Trust Wallet Logo... Done
BSC social media and other profiles.... Updated
Multiple time Trending on CoinMarketCap including #1
Coinhunt Listed
Strong and Unique Use Case
Lottery Started
ElonTech Merchandise coming soon
Exchange Listings coming soon (World's Top 3 Exchanges)
Announcing Huge Platforms, Partnerships, Staking and more

Contract: 0xc66c8b40e9712708d0b4f27c9775dc934b65f0d9

Total Supply: 34,979,803,438,049.375
Burned: 10,117,034,526,869.3375 (We are burning 2-2.5% of tokens every week).

ETCH is the tech valley token that is aiming to reach $1 in December. Tech valley will be announced in Q4 of 2021.