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Introducing Ad Astra Portal: The Cross-Chain Bridge For Tokens | ElrondNetwork - Announcements

Introducing Ad Astra Portal: The Cross-Chain Bridge For Tokens To Leap Forward In Scalability And Performance

We are thrilled to announce the go-live of the Elrond Ad Astra Portal! The new, fully decentralized and thoroughly tested token bridge will enable assets to flow freely between Elrond and Ethereum, and soon other EVM compatible blockchains.

“The Ad Astra Portal opens a compelling path for creative DeFi protocols and assets to take an important leap forward in terms of performance, efficiency and scalability. It also sets the premises for Elrond’s internet-scale blockchain technology to take a leading role in orchestrating the multi-chain foundation of the interoperable Web3 enabled virtual spaces that will collectively be known as The Metaverse.” said Beniamin Mincu, Elrond Network CEO.

A new growth chapter for the Elrond ecosystem begins today.

With new tokens, comes new liquidity.
With new liquidity, new applications.
With applications, new users and communities.

One step at a time. Slowly, then suddenly.

This is how we connect the world, and onboard innovation into the Elrond ecosystem.

Take the opportunity.

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