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Automated Cross-Chain DeFi Opportunities For The eGold Ecosyst | ElrondNetwork - Announcements

Automated Cross-Chain DeFi Opportunities For The eGold Ecosystem Via Nord Finance

We are happy to announce that eGold holders will be able to participate in cross-chain DeFi opportunities via Nord Finance, the interoperable platform tracking the best yields across different blockchain ecosystems.

The ability of capital to flow unconstrained by region, technology, or denomination is the key to establishing the Internet of Money. Tools like the ones that Nord Finance is building will level the global finance playing field and provide significant opportunities to anyone, anywhere.” said Beniamin Mincu, Elrond CEO.

Nord Finance is a blockchain agnostic financial ecosystem focusing on simplifying decentralized finance products for users by highlighting traditional finance’s key attributes. It is operable across multiple blockchains and offers savings, advisory, loans against assets, investment and funds management, and swaps.

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