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In the Russian Federation began to calculate 'home' miners to | ERC20 Official Crypto channel

In the Russian Federation began to calculate "home" miners to hold accountable

Irkutsk power engineers reveal the facts of cryptocurrency mining in residential buildings in order to go to court and collect fines. This was stated by Deputy Energy Minister Pavel Snikkars.

According to him, miners are calculated by the amount of energy consumption and the change in the load on the network.

When it is suspected that a tenant is not using electricity for domestic purposes, an inspector is sent to the apartment to check the power installations. After that, the owner of the mining equipment is either issued a new invoice for the price of electricity for the business, or they go to court, ”said Snikkars.

At least 10 cases of successful recovery from miners of the difference in the cost of electricity for the population and businesses are already known, lawyers said.