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Important ECC Updates Kindly Read , Take Notes And FWD To A | Etherconnect official channel

Important ECC Updates

Kindly Read , Take Notes And FWD To ALL Your Teams

1) Based on popular demand from top leadership and anticipation of release of AMM Dex From Team EIFI , ECC management has decided to give a one time final extension of 20 days for the launch of ECC trading on Uniswap + EIFI AMM DEX

Scheduled Date For Start Of Trading of ECC = 15th September , 2021 

Platforms : Uniswap , Sushiswap , EIFI AMM DEX

2) Based on increased demand of last few weeks and rapid growth of our global network in Russia , Vietnam , India And Africa : ECC Launch Price On Uniswap Has Been Doubled From $1 to $2 :-) Which Means Bigger Profits For Those Currently Involved 

Note : $2 Is The Initial Launch Price For The Liquidity Pool for ECC/USDT And ECC/ETH Pairs On Uniswap And From there the price will depend on live trading 

3) After 15th September , Once ECC Live trading starts : all staking rewards in ECC backoffice will be based on real time live trading price of ECC on DEX Platforms 

All withdrawals will be done in ECC which you will be able to withdraw into your Trust Wallet/Metamask and then swipe against USDT or ETH or other pairs based on live liquidity and pricing across the exchanges

Liquidity Pools will increase/decrease based on real time ECC Staking / Withdrawls

Trading Pairs For ECC/EIFI , EIFI/Panda , ECC/Panda will also be made live across various DEX'es

This marks the first important step towards complete decentralization of ECC and ensuring that the platform is build to last and is governed by community 

4) We are aware of the current tech glitches when it comes to distribution of staking rewards for new and old users and its being worked on as we speak and should be 100 % solved in next 24 to 48 hours or sooner 

5) Airdrop Schedule in backoffice for EIFI and Panda will go as published and no changes there 

5) ECC's Ultimate Vision of becoming the most powerful community driven Crypto launchpad is slowly and surely coming TRUE 

We have successfully raised funds for nut just one but two innovative crypto projects


Panda Inu Military Grade
Crypto Wallets

And Next In Line is NFT platform more details on which will be revealed in October First Week 

There are 100's of projects currently lining up to partner up with ECC for their ICO's , IDO's , IFO's etc and all we can say is rest of 2021/22 looks amazing for our entire community

We would also like to take a moment and say Kudos To all our hard working global affiliates 

None of this was possible without you all

Keep Sponsoring , Keep Building : You All Will Retire With This Platform

ECC Management

P.S If You Are Excited for your future with ECC , EIFI And Panda and Want to Retire with Us , Say