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This month we fully devoted to refining our NFTBoxes service. | Exilon

This month we fully devoted to refining our NFTBoxes service.

A lot of work was done:

developed a new design and logo for the NFTBoxes website
logic of Boxmarket and Nftmarket pages, lootbox and NFT creation and browsing pages was built.
smartcontracts are connected.
developed mobile version
created site database synchronization with smartcontracts
set up a personal account and site support without Metamask
Superbox service was created
notifications set up
bugs are being fixed

In the process of being finalized:

"Help" and "About" pages
filters: market boxes, nft
sorting by: date, price, name.

Now site tests are in full swing, all sorts of bugs are identified, collected and fixed. We are taking another week to release a fully finalized product.
We encourage you to participate in the tests and send your constructive comments.
We are aiming at launching the full version on February 7.

You'll be the first to know about it!