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Dogecoin NFT Community 'Own The Doge' Is Installing Kabosu Dog | Metaverse | Nfts | News

Dogecoin NFT Community 'Own The Doge' Is Installing Kabosu Dog’s Statue in Japan

engaged NFT community that holds the original ‘doge’ meme is working with local governments to install an actual statue that pays homage to Kabosu, the dog that inspired the meme. The statue will be unveiled on Nov. 2 in Sakura, Japan, on Kabosu’s birthday in collaboration with the City of Sakura, community members told CoinDesk. It is planned to be placed in Sakura Furusato Square, where Kabosu’s parent often takes her on walks. Fans of Kabosu, the Japanese Shiba Inu dog who inspired the Doge meme and Dogecoin.

“We've been operating for over two years, bringing Doge to places she's never been, including Hollywood, EDM bangers and space (The Doge NFT going on a SpaceX mission to moon),” tridog of PleasrDAO, the community that owns the NFT, told CoinDesk in an email. “Our goal is to become THE Doge gathering place online for all of the Doge and meme community,” they added. The community plans to hold interactive events to celebrate the occasion. Attendees will also get to meet the Sato, as well as be rewarded certain privileges based on their NFT holdings. They donate to meaningful charities across the world, with Own The Doge listed as the top crypto giver to Save The Children.

