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Tokenomics WILL BE.. Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 50% | BSC Presales & Fairlaunches

Tokenomics WILL BE..
Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
50% tokens will be burned
Liquidity Locked
Transaction fee: 11%
Dıvıdend Paıd In: 4%
Marketing: 4%
Liquidity 2%
1% Automatically Burned

As You Keep $PUBG, You Earn
$PUBG on Every Transfer

Get 3$ Worth of PUBG for Joining
Earn $1 PUBG or every valid referral

Pubg is already listed on Pancaswap

AirDrop will end on 3th November and distribution stars from 4th November

Please complete the following taks to be eligible for the airdrop.


Telegram: https://t.me/PubgTKN
Twitter : https://twitter.com/pubgtokenpubg
Website : https://www.pubgtoken.org/

