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We all have had our fair share of mistakes we committed in cry | Flint

We all have had our fair share of mistakes we committed in crypto by sending the money to the wrong chain or address. Buying high - selling low, leveraging too much, believing some random people about a new project or reading through multiple forums on new coins being listed only to get scammed.

Off the experiences shared. We picked 3 and here they are

zum XDEFI @@ZumKuz – He spoke about his experience in greed & importance of tokenomics

Alexey Vodovatov @Alexey_Vodovatov – How providing Liquidity is risky and connecting with a fake admin in times of emergency leads to being duped by a fake website where you sync your wallet and the funds get siphoned.

Crypto den @Denskyyyyyyy – How gaming p2e can get you excited, only to realise that the coins earned could lose value and how certain owners can pull out liquidity in protocols leaving you with change.