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Telegram AMA: NFTX Friday 14 May, 23:30 UTC To end the week w | Hillrise Group Announcements

Telegram AMA: NFTX
Friday 14 May, 23:30 UTC

To end the week we welcome Alex Gausman of NFTX into @hillrisegroupchat to talk about bringing liquidity to NFT collectibles via NFTX's funds.

NFTX is a platform bringing fungibility and composability to NFT collectibles through the creation of funds, returning ERC-20 index tokens. These are then freely tradable on a DEX (mainly SushiSwap).

While the NFTX UI is currently built and maintained by the DAO, it will soon be open-sourced just like the platform's permissionless contracts.

NFTX token holders can use tokens for liquidity mining and governance rights. In the future, a fee switch could potentially be activated for direct value accrual to token holders.

Join us to learn more about this pioneering project within the NFT space!

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