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Telegram AMA: Oh! Finance Tuesday 6 July, 11:00 UTC To start | Hillrise Group Announcements

Telegram AMA: Oh! Finance
Tuesday 6 July, 11:00 UTC

To start the week we welcome Richard Seeger, Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Oh! Finance into @hillrisegroupchat to discuss yield optimization, barriers to entry, and all things DeFi.

Oh! Finance aims to offer its users a fairer alternative to traditional savings methods, such as a savings account - which are now often burdened with negative returns. This also fits well with their focus on simplifying yield and providing the end-user with a non-technical background the ability to participate.

Oh! Finance has not yet come to market, be sure to keep an eye out for their launch later this year.

Join us to learn more about how Oh! Finance is working towards opening up DeFi to a broader audience!

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