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Telegram AMA: Tempus Finance Thursday 30 September, 11:00 UTC | Hillrise Group Announcements

Telegram AMA: Tempus Finance
Thursday 30 September, 11:00 UTC

Tomorrow we welcome the team from Tempus Finance into @hillrisegroupchat to talk about secondary yield markets.

Tempus is a trustless and decentralized protocol that enables speculation on yield and optimization of future yield
based on individual risk appetites.

Tempus allows seamless wrapped deposits and early redemptions before maturity. LPs are not locked into contracts and can be deposited and withdrawn at any time.

The core products offered are Earn (depositing yield bearing tokens to earn additional yield), Fix (fixing future yield), and Trade (trading tokenized principal and yield positions).

Join us to learn more about Tempus Finance's take on decentralizing the marketplace for interest rates.

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