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Telegram AMA: Gamee Tuesday 2 November, 11:00 UTC Tomorrow we | Hillrise Group Announcements

Telegram AMA: Gamee
Tuesday 2 November, 11:00 UTC

Tomorrow we welcome Bozena Rezab, Founder and CEO of Gamee back for another AMA about their progress on driving social casual gaming with cryptocurrency.

Gamee is a gaming platform with over 25 million registered users on its platform. Their games are highly social in nature due to strong integrations with Telegram.

They recently launched their Arc8 play-to-earn mobile blockchain gaming platform with 1.3 million users, pushing Polygon to surpass Ethereum in daily active users.

Their limited edition G-Bots NFTs, through which they are driving NFT innovation, will go on pre-sale as of today.

We look forward to learning more about the evolution of casual gaming!

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