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24 hours left until the biggest pump signal in the history of | Hotbit Pump Signals

24 hours left until the biggest pump signal in the history of our group!

Some basic tips on buying and selling during a pump:

1.When the pump starts the price of the coin can spike pretty fast. if you limit buy a coin we advise you to buy 75%. A 100% limit buy does not go through most of the time since the price is up. If you market buy the coin, the order will always go through!

2. After buying the given coin, do not sell 100% of the given coin at once, slowly sell (25% at a time). Which causes the market not to instantly drop.

3: DO NOT PANIC SELL. We have seen in the past that a lot of people will panic sell when they're down on their initial investment. Just know pumps come in waves so there should be plenty of times within the pump that you will be able to sell with profit so do not panic.