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Final Oz Mossad network member list was pulled 30 minutes ago | JohnMcAfeeTelegram

Final Oz Mossad network member list was pulled 30 minutes ago (131 people at the time), as promised.

Sending the finished copy of the Doxx files to my publisher friend now. :)

Too late for those who stayed.

Smart choice leaving for most of you.

The geniuses left passing their sauceless claims back and forth have earned their lives being laid bare. The sheer idiocy there is remarkable.

Word of advice:
If you dont have a name, or any objective proof of your claims, then it really doesn't do you any good, does it?
You're just crazy people, yelling into a void, who managed to try and hurt your fellow activists. And eventually, that very simple fact will dawn on you. You're feeding an echo chamber that has no proof, no sauce, no anything.
Because you're in a Mossad disinformation campaign.

These people are dumb. Very very dumb.