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Top 3 ways you are (unknowingly) tanking the price of your tok | Kaizen Finance

Top 3 ways you are (unknowingly) tanking the price of your token

Too many airdrops
By releasing a large quantity of tokens into the market through airdrops to investors, opinion leaders and contractors (e.g. marketing agencies), you risk tanking the short term price of your token and, as a result, heavily increasing your market-making costs.

Short lockup period
By setting a lockup period that’s too short, you risk having to deal with unnecessary selling pressure before giving your token the sufficient time to solidify its position, generate healthy price dynamics, and secure loyal supporters.

Community quantity over quality
By focusing on numbers over quality, you risk building a community that is only there to flip your token for quick profit instead of actually understanding its utility value and investing with long-term support in mind.

To avoid these and other critical mistakes, you can have Kaizen experts take a personalized look at your token.

: kaizen.finance/contact-us