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Economic calendar for the week 29.03.2021 – 04.04.2021 Review | LiteFinance

Economic calendar for the week 29.03.2021 – 04.04.2021

Review of the main events of the Forex economic calendar for the next trading week (29.03.2021 – 04.04.2021)

Trading on key Forex news: next week we are expecting the publication of important macro statistics from China, the UK Germany, Eurozone, the US, Australia, Japan, and the speech by the US President Joe Biden.

Despite the fact that the yield on 10-year US government bonds declined, the DXY dollar index ended last week with another increase setting a new 4-month record at around 92.94, the highest level since the beginning of this year.

The dollar remains stable after the Fed meeting... Read full author’s opinion and review in blog of #LiteForex