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How many fees, bridges and swaps does it take to trade tokens | Margin Scalps PRO

How many fees, bridges and swaps does it take to trade tokens from Avalanche to the Moonriver blockchain? It’s complicated to get your desired tokens to the chains you want them at, and you always need to do your own research to find the correct route.

Luckily, you don’t need to waste your time on it any longer; Rubic will do it all for you. It’s a convenient, fast, and easy solution for Multi-chain swaps. This Multi-chain protocol allows for swapping more than 10,500 assets between Ethereum, Avalanche, BSC, Moonriver, Polygon, Fantom, Harmony, and Solana - all in one click.

Also, the Rubic team has invented their own Smart Routing system. This feature is based on the integration of new DEXs into their Multi-Chain Swap Protocol, offering the best rates on your trades.

Check out Rubic’s TG Group, and don’t miss the updates in the announcement channel.