Zeus Finance Triple-Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds, Keepers, | https://t.me/Matic_Chainlink_Monero

Zeus Finance Triple-Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds, Keepers, And VRF

In June, Avalanche added to its previous integration of Chainlink Price Feeds by integrating Chainlink Keepers and Chainlink VRF, in what Ava Labs founder Emin Gün Sirer called a “fantastic milestone” for the growing blockchain ecosystem’s users and developers. “The Avalanche Community is full of tireless builders, and their ability to rapidly build and ship applications at scale just became even easier,” Sirer said. In August, Zeus Finance, a decentralized financial suite building on Avalanche, became the network’s first DeFi protocol to simultaneously integrate Chainlink Price Feeds, Keepers, and VRF. Zeus CEO, Frank, called the triple integration an “obvious choice” for making the platform “as robust as possible.”

