Furmax Integrates Chainlink VRF To Fairly Allocate Rewards in | https://t.me/Matic_Chainlink_Monero

Furmax Integrates Chainlink VRF To Fairly Allocate Rewards in Monthly Raffles for Furmax Furbot NFT Holders

has integrated Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) on BNB Chain mainnet. By integrating the industry-leading decentralized oracle network, we now have access to a tamper-proof and auditable source of randomness needed to help fairly distribute rewards in monthly raffles for Furbot NFT holders.Furbot NFTs represent ownership of the FURBOT pool. Each day, users with the exclusive Furmax Furbot NFTs will be assigned a new Loan Drawdown. Once a month user funds are deposited into FURMAX, the variable investment fund. These are then used by the proprietary FURBOT trading system to optimize user yields.

