Bitizen Wallet Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds to Help Displa |

Bitizen Wallet Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds to Help Display Accurate Prices in Keyless Web3 Wallet

— an MPC-based seedless and keyless Web3 Wallet — has integrated Chainlink Price Feeds on Polygon mainnet. By integrating the industry-leading decentralized oracle network, Bitizen now has access to high-quality, tamper-proof price feeds needed to help display accurate token prices in our Web3 wallet. Ultimately this gives our users stronger assurances that the value of the digital assets in their wallet accurately reflects up-to-date prices. Chainlink as our go-to oracle solution because its infrastructure is seamless to integrate and time-tested in production. Chainlink already helps secure leading DeFi protocols responsible for tens of billions of dollars.
