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We have started the process of integrating Royalty NFT, it wil | Meta Force 🔥 Official channel

We have started the process of integrating Royalty NFT, it will take a few days.

While we are preparing the program, you should also prepare: study the presentation carefully.
English subtitles are ready for the Royalty NFT Event-Presentation video on YouTube.

SFC2 and SFCR2 contracts will be deployed before launch. And this means that the emission of SFC and SFCR will stop.
That is, for activating slot levels, participants will receive SFC2.

The ratio of SFC2 to Energy = 2 to 1. This opportunity will not last long. Immediately after the release of the first Meta Force product, there will be no more, no SFC, no SFC2, no SFC3. But ways to get Energy will open, and a source will appear for receiving accruals on the NFT of the Royalty program.

Which of the products will be the first, we will announce soon.

The opportunity to receive SFC for activation slot levels, with a sky high coefficient, 1 to 1, will end in a day - a maximum of two days.

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