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The difficulties we are dealing with are due to the fact that | Meta Force 🔥 Official channel

The difficulties we are dealing with are due to the fact that we are following an unbeaten path, there are no ready-made guidelines. We create new landmarks and new trends. The tasks we are solving have never been solved before. Some of the nuances cannot be verified on any tests, they appear only during a real launch.

Therefore, we can say, our program at the start is implemented as a beta version.
The transition to the alpha version of the program began immediately after the launch. It is in the process of these works that our team is now.
All bugs you encounter are dealt with sequentially.

The most important! The Uniteverse program and all its components work correctly, there are no critical errors. All errors are in the nature of optimization and network interconnections issues.
All difficulties with purchases and the "problem of MATIC" on the balance are gradually being corrected. They consist of many different problems, each of which must be edited separately.

We have to create new scripts for our tasks and apply new methods.

At the start of complex programs, it is always difficult for everyone, both developers and participants.
But don't forget our global roadmap! Being at the beginning of this journey is a great advantage. For those who join us later, the advantage will be that they will immediately have more amenities and a more streamlined System.