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NFTs Revolution: Founders Surprise Community with Equity Bonan | Metaverse | DeFi | Nfts | Trading

NFTs Revolution: Founders Surprise Community with Equity Bonanza!

In a groundbreaking move, NFT projects are rewriting the rules of engagement, as founders of two notable collections usher in the new year with a gift that goes beyond the digital realm – company equity for their NFT holders!

Festive Joy: "The Plague" Initiates Equity Giveaway
Pons Asinorum, the visionary behind "The Plague" NFT collection, kicked off the trend on December 25. NFT holders of "The Plague" were met with a delightful surprise – a share of the company's equity based on the number of unlisted NFTs they owned. Addressing potential legal concerns, Asinorum clarified that this wasn't a sale but a unique bonus for the community, ensuring all regulatory boxes were ticked.

Global Ripple Effect: Rekt Brands Inc. Joins the Celebration
The momentum continued into the new year as Ovie Faruq, co-founder of Rekt Brands Inc. (also known as OSF in the NFT space), announced a similar move on January 1. NFT holders in the Rekt Brands Inc. collection were in for a treat – a generous allocation of equity in the very company that brought their NFTs to life.

Navigating Legal Frontiers: Innovating with Compliance
While the idea of gifting equity to NFT holders may raise eyebrows, both founders emphasized meticulous legal considerations. The move is not a sale but a pioneering approach to enhance the value proposition for the NFT community, creating a symbiotic relationship between creators and collectors.

