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Hello, Midas Community! Let’s take a moment and enjoy another | Midas.Investments

Hello, Midas Community!

Let’s take a moment and enjoy another Weekly Community Digest, where we’ve summed up important things that happened in our Community, including interesting discussions, community-related events, news and milestones.

Check it out:

We hosted Discord AMA with Midas’ CEO and COO – Trevor & Dan!

Thank you for your participation and engagement! We’re happy we could create a space for our users to ask lots of burning questions and have them answered directly by the CEO and COO of Midas Investments. BTW – if your question was selected, it means you’ve won 100$ in Midas Token

Review Week on Trustpilot with the prizepool of 1000$ in $MIDAS.

We want you to leave an honest review on TrustPilot platform about your experience with Midas.Investments. There will be 20 winners, so go ahead and give it a shot – we’ll announce 20 winners on November 22nd. Full announcement -> https://t.me/midas_announcements/945

We held another MIDAS TALKS on our Discord server, organized by Paul our Event Manager.

The topic was Crypto Scams. We’ve discussed more and less known methods used by scammers to steal our precious coins, how to recoginze a scam and how to prevent falling a vicitm to one. It was very helpful and informative talk.

Last week very important event took place – Midas presented Proof of Liquidity!

Our Community loved the announcement posted by Trevor (https://t.me/midas_announcements/947) and endorsed transparency brought by it.

Here at Midas we’re committed to constantly improve the Platform, to keep answering our users’ requests and to bring more and more people to join the Community! The ultimate goal is to take over the world create the safest, friendliest and the most open Community in the cryptosphere. We believe that this extra layer of transparency takes us closer to this goal

As always, we want to thank you for being with us. Keep being amazing!

Midas Community Team