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Minterest 101: Staking $MNT for rewards and governance rights | Minterest Announcements

Minterest 101: Staking $MNT for rewards and governance rights

Yesterday, we explained how Minterest captures more fee income than any other lending protocol, distributing it via buybacks to ensure sustainable $MNT rewards even after emissions end.

All $MNT holders benefit greatly from this, and users who supply token liquidity by staking $MNT in the protocol’s governance processes are particularly rewarded. These stakers receive an ever-increasing loyalty reward: the longer they remain staked, the higher the % of their APY reward boost.

Did you know that staking $MNT also enables you to shape the Minterest protocol? Stakers receive voting rights on key proposals, with voting weight proportional to the number of tokens staked per user.

Detailed info on $MNT in our Gitbook here.


The Minterest LBP token event will run this week from 08 to 10 Feb 2022, followed by protocol launch in Q1 2022. Read more about the benefits of taking part and becoming a genesis investor in DeFi 2.0 here.