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Внимание! Наблюдаются проблемы в работе API Binance Futures. | MoonBotNews

Наблюдаются проблемы в работе API Binance Futures.
Просим следить за ботами и ждать решение от Бинанса.

В логах пишется вот такое сообщение:
Error getting openInterest: (Status: 503 [ {"timestamp":1681107924062,"path":"/fapi/v1/openInterest","msg":"Unknown error, please check your request or try again later."} ] )

There are issues with the Binance Futures API.
Please keep an eye on the bots and wait for a decision from Binance.

The following message is written in the logs:
Error getting openInterest: (Status: 503 [ {"timestamp":1681107924062,"path":"/fapi/v1/openInterest","msg":"Unknown error, please check your request or try again later."} ] )