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Looks like someone wants to push out 1inch and CowSwap? Pun | Ninja Calls™

Looks like someone wants to push out 1inch and CowSwap?

Punks from the Uroboros project, which is being prepared for launching, are ready to break into the DEX aggregator market and have already begun to build a community. The product will be tested behind closed doors, and fat bonuses will await early contributors

Swap2Earn: Uroboros allows you to profit from MEV and receive a bonus cashback for your transaction. As a result, you earn more than on other DEX aggregators. Stop defending yourself against MEV, start making money on it!


- Airdrop to the contributors
- Utility-NFT for early testers
- Closed Co-building community for real web3-enthusiasts and gem-hunters.
- OG roles
- The ability to be whitelisted for NFT, which allows you to receive benefits from the routes. It smells like 100X Gains!
- Ambassadors Program

White Paper, Roadmap and DYOR

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