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@BSCSafeSniper | Super ChainLink | #2719 Contract: | PEJABAT CRYPTO💯

@BSCSafeSniper | Super ChainLink | #2719

Contract: 0xC7193BBDdC4cA93c88F83cAe073343084E55aBAE
Owner: ***RENOUNCED***
Liquid: 15% in pancake.
Holders: 138 4.3% | 4.3% | 4.2% | 4.0% | 2.7%
MCap: $ 77,034 (BNB: $609.54)
Liquidity: 18.88 BNB
LP Lock: 99.65% locked for EXPIRED on Mudra
Fee: Buy: 10% | Sell: 16.5%
Max Buy: 10000000(1.81 BNB)
Report: Trading disable option
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WebSite: https://superchain.link/
The report is a lighter form of the @BSCSafeSniper bot.
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