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Hey Natives! We have just added liquidity on Pancakeswap and | ProjectOasis Announcements

Hey Natives!

We have just added liquidity on Pancakeswap and Apeswap! You can get your $OASIS tokens there.

This is our official token contract address


Poocoin : https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xb19289b436b2f7a92891ac391d8f52580d3087e4

Pancakeswap : https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xb19289b436b2F7A92891ac391D8f52580d3087e4

Apeswap : https://app.apeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xb19289b436b2F7A92891ac391D8f52580d3087e4

As a reminder, please beware of scammers. Do not use any token contract address except for the ones published in our official channels. Our admins will not dm you first.

All channels will be muted until 6.00PM UTC.