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Hey Natives! We have just added liquidity on Pancakeswap and | ProjectOasis Announcements

Hey Natives!

We have just added liquidity on Pancakeswap and Apeswap! You can get your $OASIS tokens there.

This is our official token contract address


Poocoin : https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xb19289b436b2f7a92891ac391d8f52580d3087e4

Pancakeswap : https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xb19289b436b2F7A92891ac391D8f52580d3087e4

Apeswap : https://app.apeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xb19289b436b2F7A92891ac391D8f52580d3087e4

As a reminder, please beware of scammers. Do not use any token contract address except for the ones published in our official channels. Our admins will not dm you first.