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Shiba Classic | First hardfork of Shibatoken, fair launched wi | Quick profit 1️⃣

Shiba Classic | First hardfork of Shibatoken, fair launched with LP locked to help save the doggos 500K 4Hrs old pumping like CRAZY

Welcome to Shiba Classic

A safeplace for all original Shibs, who enjoyed their time with their original time in $SHIB but the ship has long sailed.

Our main focus is still saving homeless dogs, however with focus solely on smaller shelters vetted by the community, as it should always have been. If you ever wondered why Ethereum classic is booming, and thought it made no sense, it's because there's always a certain group that disagree with the choices an institution makes the bigger it grows. Instead of focusing on already well-run and heavily funded charities, we wanna make a difference where we can directly see our moons get spent well. We wanna see how the dogs are doing, who their personalities are and how they are treated! We do not want to see half our donations going to 'administration fees' or central authority. It's simple:

We need to see more doggos being put into a loving home

25% Initial Burn
0% Team Tokens
3% Redistribution
6% to Liquidity pool
1% Charity

- 13.05-21 Website Launch
- Marketing campaign
- NFT's for donation proofs
- First, second & third donation to local community shelters

- Inu-pad: charity launchpad for other BSC projects focusing on underfunded charities
- Larger influencer marketing campaign & partnerships
- You guessed it, more DONATIONS!

Stealth launched at 100 TG members, with LP DX Locked, verified contract and ownership renounced before announcement!

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=shiba%20classic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShibaClassic
Telegram: https://t.me/ShibaClassic

Feel free to donate a small amount to our marketing wallet: 0x0EfA3A9fC97E14c5Eee221BfDBf8fA995CC9FeB4

Verified Contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0x0900198f8c4b568b618a911b3c762c53e55c3725
LP Locked: https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0xA15Fbf1976F1eDd69bF2D3b480031697aaCc4Bb3&type=lplock&chain=BSC
Ownership renounced: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x209bc505136bca7bbf2d44b2059158d4ac42f8ea29cca33449d604a5fbb84e11
PancakeSwap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0900198f8c4b568b618a911b3c762c53e55c3725
PooCoin: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x0900198f8c4b568b618a911b3c762c53e55c3725
25% burned: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x5eaf796fe5052897954b61ca09e5b4e3bb069d0b18781be19b32165e27167f02