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Let's celebrate the 50th birthday of Elon Musk! He's the owne | @

Let's celebrate the 50th birthday of Elon Musk!

He's the owner of several companies of SpaceX, Tesla, The Boring Company, OpenAI, Neuralink and Happy50thElon!

For supporting a Elon Musk, we are going to launch the new token in the 11 AM of 28th June EST timezone.

No presale, No team tokens
No buy limit, No cooldown
Fair Launch
Liquidity will lock right after the launch
Not welcome sniping bots
Contract will announce in 15 ~ 20 minutes after the launch

Telegram: https://t.me/happy50elon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elonmusk
Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/birthday?iso=20210628T08&p0=822&msg=Happy+50th+Elon+Musk&font=cursive
Contract: TBD
Lp Lock: TBD
Renounce: TBD

Chat will unmute after renounce.