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​​ A guide on transferring $ROOBEE from the Ethereum network | ROOBEE (ENG)

​​ A guide on transferring $ROOBEE from the Ethereum network to BSC!

We've prepared a complete guide on how to transfer $ROOBEE tokens from the Ethereum network to BSC! You can add this post to your 'Saved Messages' so that it's always just a few clicks away whenever you need it.

General info on the BSC-based ROOBEE token

Token: bROOBEE
Smart contract address: 0xe64f5cb844946c1f102bd25bbd87a5ab4ae89fbe
Blockchain explorer: bscscan.com

bROOBEE is a token on Binance Smart Chain. The value of each bROOBEE is tied to that of ROOBEE, where bROOBEE = 1 ROOBEE. bROOBEE is used by various decentralized applications built on BSC.

We recommend the wallets below. They are very user-friendly and easy to get set up on.


Mobile devices
Trust Wallet

Please remember: you should NEVER share your private key or backup seed phrase with anyone under any circumstances.

How to transfer ROOBEE from the Ethereum network to BSC
Before you start, please make sure that you have enough ETH (ERC20) and BNB (BEP20) in your wallet to pay network fees for transferring tokens.

How to transfer ROOBEE from the Ethereum network to BSC via Burgerswap.org
1. Make sure that you've selected the Ethereum network in your wallet
2. Connect your wallet to Burgerswap.org
3. Go to the 'bToken Bridge' section
4. Select ROOBEE from the list
5. Enter the amount of ROOBEE you want to transfer
6. Click on the 'Approve' button and confirm the transaction in your wallet
7. To transfer the tokens, click on the 'create crosschain assets' button and confirm the transaction in your wallet
8. Switch your wallet to the BSC network
9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Receive' to add the bROOBEE tokens to your wallet
10. Confirm the transaction in your wallet (at this step, you will be charged the BSC network fee of 0.05 BNB).

That's it! bROOBEE will appear in your wallet.

This guide with screenshots is available via the link:

How to transfer ROOBEE from the Ethereum network to BSC via Roobee.finance
1. Make sure that you've selected the Ethereum network in your wallet
2. Connect your wallet to Roobee.finance
3. Go to the 'Roobee Bridge' section
4. Enter the amount of ROOBEE you want to transfer
5. Click on the 'Approve' button and confirm the transaction in your wallet
6. To transfer the tokens, click on the 'Transfer' button and confirm the transaction in your wallet
7. Switch your wallet to the BSC network
8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Submit' to add the bROOBEE tokens to your wallet
9. Confirm the transaction in your wallet (at this step, you will be charged the BSC network fee in BNB).

Done! bROOBEE will appear in your wallet.

This guide with screenshots is available here:

Once you've received your #bROOBEE, you can use the tokens on BSC-based decentralized platforms. For example, you can:
— farm $CAKE by providing bROOBEE/BNB liquidity on pancakeswap.finance
— optimize your yields with the help of beefy.finance
— optimize yields via autofarm.network + farm the $AUTO token

To learn more, check out our guide articles here:

In the future, you'll also be able to use bROOBEE on Roobee DAO for voting and #bROOBEE staking.

We'll be adding more opportunities for using #bROOBEE on BSC!