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We are proud to announce our official partnership with our fri | ShibaNovaDEX - Announcement Channel

We are proud to announce our official partnership with our friends at Assure DEFI - this means that projects that launch through our launchpad will gain a significant discount for Assure's KYC service. In line with our vision of DEFI 2.0 one of the conditions for new projects to launch with us will be KYC'ing with Assure DEFI - We believe this should help greatly in weeding out projects that have ill intent from the outset. To evidence our reasoning Assure DEFI has a 100% success rate with regards to their work with projects that have KYC'd with them, not one project has acted in either a manner of hard rug or soft rug, which makes sense really when you think about it. I mean who really is going to go through stringent KYC effectively doxxing themselves knowing that their personal details will be handed over to law enforcement officials if they were to do the dirty - that would seriously be some next level degen thinking there!

For projects that want to subscribe to ShibaNova's standard of DEFI 2.0 they will exclusively be able to KYC with a significant discount and designed to remove barriers to entry for new fledgling projects.

We believe that standing together with our partners that have the same values as us that combined we can build a much safer and stronger infrastructure for DEFI together !

This is only the beginning of a broad alliance we plan to build with projects like us that believe in a minimum standard for safety, security and trust moving forwards in this brave new frontier we call DEFI 2.0

Together let's make rugs, exploits and scams a thing of the past, the exception rather than the rule