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ShibaNova just celebrated 2 weeks this weekend! ShibaNovian | ShibaNovaDEX - Announcement Channel

ShibaNova just celebrated 2 weeks this weekend!

ShibaNovian family - wow, what a 2 weeks this has been to those of you that have been supporting us since inception we salute you, our stalwart ShibaNova Army, to those of you that got in at PRESALE and took quick profits, we are pleased, and now is the time to come back and use your profits to buy more NOVA and join us on our second stage, the accumulation phase - to those of you that have just joined us - welcome, you are indeed still early make no bones about that!

It’s been a true roller coaster as we got through the initial launch hurdles and we are finally able to take a breath and assess where we are in our development.
First and foremost: our dApp truly delivered proof of concept! Our Money Pots are consistently generating Dividends for our sNOVA holders, our sNOVA lottery has been a success, and every day we are building!

1. DeFi 2.0 and SAFU – Without a fortified and secure dApp, none of the innovations around our project can exist! Our commitment to our security is the foundation with which we will build ShibaNova long-term. No one talks about security when things are going well – but we feel more strongly now that our decision to invest in our security stack sets us up well into the future, we are here to stay!!

2. We have over 500 SOLID holders (counting our liquidity providers) – it is very difficult for a young project to establish a base of support in the community and we have achieved this in spades. As we said, the early supporters of our project stand to reap the rewards - in heavy now than that, you are becoming the true owners of ShibaNovaDEX

3. Close to 92% of sNOVA holders are DIAMOND HANDS! This is one of the most bullish signs that our sNOVA holders are invested in ShibaNova long-term! To date, our Money Pot has distributed about $140K back to our sNOVA holders! AMAZING!

Forward-looking Plans:
Our goal remains the same: grow our DEX and increase utility of our native token, NOVA.
We need to increase our TVL in the project and get integrated with DEX Aggregators as soon as possible! To do this, we need to grow 5x to about $20M TVL. The great news is that our price and our TVL has held very steadily through the past week and we still have very high APRs. This is important to be able to attract Whale Investors long-term. Added with our DeFi 2.0/SAFU philosophy, we present a very attractive environment for bigger investors to come and add their liquidity into our farms. Remember whales like to splash but they like to do it safely, the longer we run, the more attractive we become as people notice 'hmm, ShibaNova is a safe place to park my liquidity and get very nice juicy returns' this is good news indeed.

So how we gonna increase our TVL ?
1. Invest in Marketing: We have collaborated with The Collective to create a more cohesive and multi-pronged approach to Marketing. This is intended to expand our reach and attract more followers and investors as a whole.

2. Strategic Partnerships – we are having conversations with like-minded DeFi projects in BSC in order to collaborate and take advantage of cross-marketing opportunities in the space

3. Launch our ShibaNova Launchpad project to help new project get started and attract more liquidity into ShibaNova.

4. More effective tokenomics and emissions approaching 0.5 NOVAs per block – NOVAs are becoming increasingly harder to get and this pressure is designed to have a positive effect on our price overall.

We thank you again for your trust in us! We will continue to build and work tirelessly behind the scenes to build a long lasting DeFi project. ShibaNova is a community project and we cannot build it alone. We ask for your help to spread the word about ShibaNova in your social media and in your spheres of influence – we ask that you use our DEX and continue to broadcast it amongst your own crypto circles! Let’s talk about how WE OWN OUR DEX! We will grow! We humbly thank you for the opportunity to see this vision come to fruition!