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Stacked Insights Newsletter, 10.25.21 Crypto total market | Stacked

Stacked Insights Newsletter, 10.25.21

Crypto total market cap hits ATH
3 altcoins you need to watch
Stacked has traded $15 billion

It’s like every day in crypto is ATH day

Another day, another all-time high. This time, BTC is hanging just under previous highs, while ETH has definitively punched through to new highs.

Combined, BTC and ETH are crypto’s “big two” and have helped push the total market cap of all digital assets combined to $2.8 TRILLION. Yep, that’s the most money this little yet parabolically rising market of ours has ever been worth.

Keep in mind PlanB’s notoriously accurate S2F model still sees BTC at $135 billion before the year’s end. If we reach such heights, the total market cap will be at least 2x from here.

Therefore, choose your runners wisely and remember the saying a “rising tide lifts all boats.”

The holy DeFi trinity — watch these tokens

Today, there are over 5,000 tokens across CEX and DEX marketplaces. With so many assets to choose from, which represents the cream rising to the top? Figuring that out is all about identifying trends.

Forget about hopping on a trend super early — doing so is difficult, rare, and if it’s all you focus on, you’ll lose easier opportunities. Instead, seek out narratives with strong legs and obvious momentum.

Right now, the DeFi 2.0 meme is just such a trend. The holy trinity of that trend is built around the Curve Finance ecosystem. It’s locked in tens of billions of dollars from liquidity providers worldwide and shows no signs of stopping.


Curve is a decentralized exchange for stablecoins that, in terms of TVL, left Uniswap in the dust long ago. At $14B TVL, Curve sits just behind Aave and Maker, yet sits incredibly low on the market cap leaderboards. Consider its tokenomics encourage CRV token lock-ups, CRV is incredibly undervalued here.


The hype on SPELL started quietly but has bubbled up now that it’s entered the token top 100. Still, hardly anyone understands this powerful token. In a nutshell, SPELL is the do-everything token for the Abracadabra yield-bearing assets into stablecoins vault. Abracadabra has conjured almost $4B in TVL and counting.


To the untrained eye, Convex looks like a Curve clone. However, it works in tandem with Curve to significantly boost Curve rewards. The result is depositing in Convex is too good to pass up for Curve liquidity providers, which is why the platform now shares nearly all of Curve’s liquidity.

Stacked has traded $15 billion worth of assets

At Stacked HQ, we’re not ones to toot our own horn. We much prefer building the future of investment products. But we just hit a major milestone that’s too important to not shout about.

We just passed $15 billion in assets traded

Even though we set out to create the best crypto investing platform there is, it’s incredible to have supporters the world over CONFIRM what we’re doing. Big numbers like these make deepen our conviction that our path is the right one — THANK YOU

As always, you’re welcome to try Stacked for free right here, right now.