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--- Making money in crypto market is not a big thing! --- Mak | Cryptoz Coach™

--- Making money in crypto market is not a big thing! ---

Making money in crypto trading is not a big thing! Many can do so and many do. What is difficult is #safeguarding the profits made.
Many traders make good amount of money and later at some point, make good amt of loss, and they are left with small return. The trader would have put good efforts and would have gone through emotional pressure to make such good return and when they lose good amount of it, how the trader would have felt -- all the efforts gone in vain, plus loss in confidence level.
Drawdown is not only about losing money, but also lose in confidence level.
So, Instead of making huge return and later losing it, it's better to make small return consistently with least or no drawdown.
Making money through high risk strategies is not difficult. Many can do so. But that money may or may not sustain for longer period as it carries high risk.
We focus and trade low risk strategy i.e. having least drawdown.
"Whether we make money or not, we shouldn't lose existing capital"
This much importance should be given to Capital.
Every trader should focus more on #Protecting their capital, and be happy with even small return but no need to take unnecessary risk.
Taking risk is good, but it should be calculated risk. Taking Unlimited risk is foolishness.
Money should be made peacefully with low risk and least drawdown, so that it can sustain.
Earlier also, we used to say and now also saying the same thing -----
