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10set token tax update! Change scheduled for January 31! | Tenset (10set) - Announcements

10set token tax update!

Change scheduled for January 31!

The community voted to increase the tax from 2% to 4% with the following split:
- 2% burn
- 1% to Infinity
- 1% to NFTs (only for Genesis NFTs plus 1 other collection that will be shared soon)

Tech team are currently working on the new rewards system for NFT holders, which will take place through our Infinity platform.
Owners will need to lock their NFTs in order to earn a share of the 1% fee. If an NFT is not locked, it will not earn rewards.

Similar to the “Flexible” option that is currently available on Infinity for tokens, NFT holders will be able to lock their NFT for 24 hours.
After 24 hours, NFT can be withdrawn at any time, and continues to earn rewards for as long as it is locked.

Rewards will begin accumulating on January 31, but won’t start distributing until a later date, that will be announced soon.
It will be possible to lock NFTs a few days before this date. More info to be shared.

We are excited to be introducing a powerful new utility for NFTs!