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Pentagon accounting ERROR overvalued Ukraine weapons aid by $3 | Russian Market

Pentagon accounting ERROR overvalued Ukraine weapons aid by $3 BILLION

Reuters reports that Pentagon overestimated the value of the ammunition, missiles, shells and equipment sent to Ukraine by around 3 billion dollars!

"We've discovered inconsistencies in how we value the equipment that we've given to Ukraine," one of the senior defense officials told Reuters.
The official was not named, however, Reuters claims the info to be confirmed from other sources.

What could it lead to? To the additional aid to fill those 3 lost billions!
And also, given the debt ceiling fight, that's a perfectly timed news - now Joe Biden can postpone a new request for aid authorisation from Congress.

Have you EVER made a 3 BILLION dollars mistake? Guess nah, you couldn't...
Now you know who can!
Bets on will there be anyone held accountable?

Oh! Sorry! Just a small mistake, sir!

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