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EXCHANGER IS OPEN Thunderers, soon we will release a lot of | Thunder Lands Game


Thunderers, soon we will release a lot of new features for you! Not only Clicker's next update, but also the exchanger. We prepared the EXCHANGER V 2.0 for our wonderful community.
Yes-yes-yes, today you will be able to exchange your crystals and get your honestly earned TNDR tokens.
But we have two exchanger limits:

1. All transactions over 200 000 TNDR crystals would be passed over a special bot.
2. All transactions over 1m crystals per month will be checked by our Thunder Lands team.

: We are not limiting our players, but introducing instruments to monitor suspicious activity.

Thank you for your support in a great battle with cheaters we finally banned their accounts and want to delight you with coming updates. We will release them tomorrow. Thank you, Thunderers!