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Daily Share Tues Nov 9, 2021 The future roadmaps Of #TOKAU | Tokyo AU

Daily Share Tues Nov 9, 2021

The future roadmaps Of #TOKAU

PR Department

Busy with Project PR release, twitter update, hiring talents discussion.

We are so happy to welcome an Intern joining in PR team. Her name is Leah. She will be responsible for managing this group and sharing update with you guys. Let her know if you have any questions or advice !!

IT Department

Hello guys, Here is Mali! Long time no see !!

I came to think about my job at 6:30am and drew prototype drawings late into the night ! Everyone is working hard on a new project !!

Design Group

Momo id doing the UI design of the new project, hope it can meet everybody soon!

Business Group

Negotiating some NFT business resources! Hope it can help our current business ~

Continue to discover new star resources for third party platforms !


The American partner who was expected to come to Japan could not come to Japan because of the epidemic. So we need to redocking the progress.
Prepare for a big move, can make the market has our NFT users, will increase NFT buyers and our token will appreciate value !
Continue to promote the process in all sectors.