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BTCFundAI (BFAI) is an AI driven Bitcoin growth fund. The n | Airdrop.2 💯💥💯

BTCFundAI (BFAI) is an AI driven Bitcoin growth fund.

The next big AI coin!

Low MC 0% Buy&Sell Tax No Private Sale CMC&CG Fasttrack Listing Upcoming CEX Huge Marketing Expenses China Marketing
Top YouTubers
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Popular call channels
24x7 service
DexView Ads & Trends
Tracking Sites
Reddit Marketing
Weibo and WeChat
Listed on top 10 exchanges

Public Presale Details:
Soft/Hard Cap: 25 ETH / 100 ETH
Max: 0.5 ETH
Liquidity: 60%


Contract: 0x332e01e82Be1b1D3d4B86c35628f6f52D944777d

Website: btcfund.ai
Telegram: t.me/BTCFundAIETH
Twitter: twitter.com/BTCFundAIETH