Get Mystery Box with random crypto!

​​Hi FreeTONers from Origin Labs! We are pleased to announce | valid

​​Hi FreeTONers from Origin Labs!

We are pleased to announce the first release of ft, our
developer-oriented command-line wallet for Free TON. It is available on Github:

and here is a Medium article about how to use it to deploy and debug smart contracts:

The main features are:
* manage multiple accounts and secret keys
* manage different sets of accounts for different networks
* smart contract database
* easy build and deployment of smart contracts
* parameters substitutions to simplify scripts
* blockchain inspector to observe transactions, accounts, etc.
* watcher to monitor an account in real-time, or all its past transactions

$ ft account --create depool --contract DePool --address 0:4749749...
$ ft multisig -a my-account --transfer 1 --to depool setVestingDonor '{"donor" : "%{account:address:my-future-donor}" }'
$ ft inspect --past depool

For more about the tool, check our documentation here:


#Dune #Origin_Labs #