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Russia, China, Brazil, India Call for Investigation Into US Bi | MAGA🇺🇸🦅

Russia, China, Brazil, India Call for Investigation Into US Biolabs in Ukraine

Russian news agency Ria Novosti released documents claiming that Ukraine was working on “biological weapons” near the Russian border. Ria Novosti accused the US of instructing Ukraine to destroy the biological agents before the Russian invasion.

According to the document obtained by the news agency, the Ministry of Health in Ukraine ordered the biological pathogens to be destroyed in a February 24 memo.

We heard on Tuesday from the US State Department that there were US Biolabs in Ukraine. Then on Wednesday, the Biden regime backtracked and insisted there were no US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine, claiming it was all Russian propaganda.

Why the sudden confusing messaging from the Biden regime? Especially when there are documents that prove the US was funding several of the Biolabs they set up in Ukraine to study potentially dangerous pathogens.

On Thursday, the Gateway Pundit confirmed that there were biolabs in Ukraine, and Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca invested in the firms building these labs

The World Health Organization (WHO) admitted to Reuters on Thursday that they had advised Ukraine to destroy their high-threat pathogens stored in the country’s health laboratories to prevent the spread of any disease.

Nobody believes the Biden regime’s lies anymore.
Further more Linda Thomas-Greenfield is an American diplomat who is the United States ambassador to the United Nations under President Joe Biden confirmed Biolabs in Ukraine....
>Interesting 2 weeks....


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