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We are a group of volunteers to help in Ukraine to give suppor | 🇺🇦 UKRAINE DONATION 🇺🇦

We are a group of volunteers to help in Ukraine to give support to civilians, women, children and many people are left with nothing, we are trying to help them with basic goods after the banks have been blocked. We ask for your help with cryptocurrency donations

Thank you all and let us pray together for Ukraine

Bitcoin address (Bitcoin Chain) 1UKR1JQ8XiC8DVdDRTLhLNdAqYMXnBK2p

Ethereum address (Erc-20) 0x4E757B187F5bF32A81123359B1e91cB7f10eF1Cc
USDT (Erc-20) 0x4E757B187F5bF32A81123359B1e91cB7f10eF1Cc
LINK (Erc-20) 0x4E757B187F5bF32A81123359B1e91cB7f10eF1Cc

BCH (Bitcoin cash) bitcoincash:qrktn3w8eewp90wuadhg5n0ljfj8cnaarcmgjxt348
DOGE (DOGECOIN) DGkHv2rngMx4t5kQnd8rhxyk3rfaX9EE9G