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SushiSwap New CEO accused of Scamming and other Crimes The ne | Decentralized Exchange News

SushiSwap New CEO accused of Scamming and other Crimes

newly appointed CEO of SushiSwap Jared Grey has been accused of scamming and other crimes. The allegation against Grey includes stealing the assets of his own users, copyright infringements, and sexually assaulting a horse. Upon the news, Sushi has seen a 12% price drop at the time of writing. Grey was appointed earlier this month and is under fire for stealing funds from the crypto community in 2019 from a project called ALQO. As per the accusation, he introduced the wallet for ALQO called Liberio which was used to steal 70% of the total supply. In 2020, he was allegedly relabeled ALQO to EONS and moved from its own chain to Ethereum to cover the tracks. Other than that, he has been accused of charging fees for an exchange ‘Bitfineon’ that was never launched.
