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Swapping your assets across different blockchains is nearly al | Wall Street Trader School

Swapping your assets across different blockchains is nearly always complicated. Continuously searching for suitable bridges and lower fees may end up losing you a huge amount of time and money. Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t have a minute to lose, but swaps are taking up to 10 minutes, and you have to then make even more swaps afterwards?

Now, there’s an amazing solution on the market: Rubic, the Multi-Chain Swap Protocol with more than 15,000 assets available to swap between 10 blockchains: BSC, Polygon, Ethereum, Avalanche, Moonriver, Fantom, Solana, Harmony, Arbitrum, and Aurora.

Impressive list, we know; and their team shows no signs of stopping. Recently, the team has integrated the Arbitrum blockchain. For this integration, the Rubic Development Team completed the integration of 3 main DEXs on the Arbitrum network. These 3 DEXs are: Uniswap v3, 1inch and SushiSwap. All three of these DEXs are now available to use for both On-Chain and Multi-Chain swaps.

The integration of these DEXs will allow Rubic’s Smart Routing to find the best route and price for your Multi-Chain swaps. As a result of these integrations, Rubic’s Multi-Chain Protocol offers a simple and reliable trading solution for Arbitrum users, as well as users from other networks.

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